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Axygen® AxyPrep MAG FragmentSelect-I Kit


The AxyPrep MAG Fragment Select-I Kit utilizes a unique paramagnetic bead technology for quick, high throughput DNA size selection. The unique paramagnetic beads allow for efficient separation and enrichment of DNA fragments, according to the length. The kit will perform efficient removal of primer-dimers, unincorporated nucleotides, enzymes or salts so there is no need for further clean-up steps. The purified DNA will then be ready for use in downstream applications such as: Next-generation sequencing, Sanger Sequencing, restriction digestion, microarrays and other subsequent applications.

  • Versatile and flexible sequential fragment size selection: No gels needed
  • Efficient removal of primer-dimers, unincorporated nucleotides, enzymes or salts so there is no need for further clean-up steps
  • Manual and automation-compatible
  • Scalable: Tube, 96- and 384-well microplate formats
  • No centrifugation or filtration required
  • AxyPrep MAG Fragment Select-I Kit is optimized for use with Illumina®, SOLiD, and Roche 454 workflows but can be used with other workflows

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Product Number Product Name パック入数 ケース入数 ブランド Price Unit Size
MAG-FRAG-I-250 Axygen® AxyPrep™ MAGフラグメントセレクト - I キット-250mL   1 / パック     1 / ケース     Axygen®   N/A per case
MAG-FRAG-I-5 Axygen® AxyPrep™ MAGフラグメントセレクト - I キット-5mL N/A per case
MAG-FRAG-I-50 Axygen® AxyPrep FragmentSelect-I Kit N/A per case