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Corning® 1L DMEM (Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium)

Product Number15-013-CM


[+] 4.5 g/L glucose, sodium pyruvate[-] L-glutamine

Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium (DMEM) is a modification of Basal Medium Eagle (BME) containing four-fold concentrations of the amino acids and vitamins found in BME. The original formulation was used to culture embryonic mouse cells and has since been modified to support a variety of normal and transformed cells, such a as primary cultures of mouse and chicken cells. DMEM formulations can differ in the amount or absence of components such as glucose, sodium pyruvate, sodium bicarbonate and L-glutamine. DMEM 15-013-CV and -CM contain 4.5 g/L glucose and sodium pyruvate without L-glutamine

The original formulation contained 1000 mg/L of glucose and was used to culture embryonic mouse cells. Since then, it has been modified to support primary cultures of mouse and chicken cells, as well as a variety of normal and transformed cells.

Corning media certificates are available on our Resource Library.

This product is non-returnable. If you have any questions, please contact us immediately.

Less than 10 in Stock

Product Number   15-013-CM
Qty./Pk   6 / Pk  
Qty./Cs   6 / Cs  
Brand   Corning®  
Size   1 L  
Storage   2°C to 8°C  
Specifications Documents